Whatever musical instrument you play, or wherever your musical preferences lie, we have a performance group for you.

Interested in joining an ensemble? E-mail music@southernct.edu or one of the ensemble directors below.
University Choir (MUS 102)
Music of all periods and styles is studied and performed by this group of mixed voices. The choir represents the university in concerts, festivals, and tours funded through the generosity of the Stutzman Family Foundation. Membership is by audition. Contact Terese Gemme for more information.
Symphonic Band (Fall – MUS 104; Spring – MUS 105)
The Southern Connecticut State University Symphonic Band is dedicated to providing an intellectually stimulating, musically-challenging, dynamic, and diverse ensemble. Membership is open to all interested students at SCSU (both undergraduate and graduate), SCSU faculty and staff, as well as to community members. The ensemble regularly presents several annual performances on the SCSU campus and the neighboring community; it is also invited to perform at concerts and festivals throughout the state and welcomes the opportunity to work collaboratively with others who share in our passion for music. Contact Craig Hlavac for more information.
Chamber Singers (MUS 171)
A small ensemble of mixed voices that performs a repertoire of various musical and cultural styles, including a cappella music. Membership is by audition. Contact Terese Gemme for more information.
Percussion Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble is a small ensemble that performs classical and contemporary works for mixed percussion. Contact Anthony DeQuattro for more information.
String Ensemble
String Ensemble is a small, chamber ensemble open to string instrumentalists (violin, viola, cello, bass). Contact Viara Sergueeva-Albonetti for more information.
Guitar Ensemble
Guitar Ensemble is a small ensemble specializing in diverse repertoire that ranges from rock and pop to classical arrangements. Open to guitarists with some previous experience. Contact Jim Martin (mjimmartin@aol.com) for more information.
Creative Music Orchestra
This open-genre, open-instrumentation ensemble is primarily intended for SCSU Music Therapy majors, as well as anyone who is interested in honing the “re-creative” musical skills of ensemble leadership, arranging, and improvisation. Students will take turns to be responsible for selecting repertoire, creating/arranging/distributing materials as necessary, and leading the group in rehearsal and performance.
Jazz Standards Ensemble (MUS 204)
The Jazz Standards Ensemble is a small group of highly skilled students dedicated to preparing and performing standards of the jazz combo repertory. Open to all students upon successful audition. Contact David Chevan for more information.
Latin Jazz Ensemble (MUS 205)
The Latin Jazz Ensemble is a group of instrumentalists dedicated to the interpretation and performance of Latin music. Open to all students upon successful audition. Contact David Chevan for more information.
Blues Ensemble (MUS 206)
The Blues Ensemble is a dynamic, high-energy ensemble that prepares traditional and contemporary blues charts. Open to all students upon successful audition. Contact Jim Martin (mjimmartin@aol.com) for more information.
SCSU Blue Steel Drumline
The Drumline is a collaboration between the Music Department, SCSU Athletic Department, and New Haven Public Schools. The group performs at selected SCSU home football games, primarily during halftime. Those selected will be required to attend all rehearsals. Contact Eric Green (bluesteeldrumlinect@gmail.com) for more information.
SCSU Pep Band
The Pep Band is a collaboration between the Music Department and the SCSU Athletic Department. The group performs at selected home basketball games. Contact Alex Casimiro for more information.