Counseling and School Psychology
The department offers programs leading to the master of science degree and/or the sixth year professional diploma in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling or School Psychology.
Curriculum and Learning
The department offers certification programs in elementary education, early childhood education, science education and reading. Also, the department offers Masters degree in Education and a sixth year program for classroom teacher specialists. These programs offer the required courses for certified teachers who are seeking cross-endorsement in elementary education.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
The department offers graduate degrees for future and current school leaders. Specifically sixth year programs, intermediate administrator certification, and a doctorate in educational leadership and policy.
Information and Library Science
Southern's information and library science programs continue the tradition of a solid experience in library science while offering an array of electives such as digital libraries, information architecture, network management, and instructional design.
Special Education
The department offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the field of special education. Applicants can apply to a program that leads to initial certification in special education or apply for a Master's Degree or 6th year in Special Education.