The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department is home to a number of instruments to support your educational journey.

- Bruker 300 MHz Avance III NMR Spectrometer
- Magitrek Spinsolve 60 MHz Desktop NMR Spectrometer
- Shimadzu AFFINITY-1 FTIR Spectrometers
- Perkin-Elmer Clarus 680 Gas Spectrometry Mass Spectrometer
- Perkin-Elmer 2380 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
- Perkin-Elmer Spectrum 2/UATR 2 FTIR Spectrometer
- Perkin-Elmer Lambda 25 UV/VIS Spectrometer
- Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction (Access via NSF-CCLI Consortium with CCSU)
- Amplitron II Thermocycler for Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR)
- Fisher DNA Sequencing System
- OWL Protein Transfer System
- Vacuum Atmospheres Nexus System Inert Atmosphere Drybox
- Johnson-Matthey Magnetic Susceptibility Balance
- Milestone START SYNTH Microwave Reactor
- Dell PowerEdge T710 Research Server with 2 Intel Xeon Processors (2.66 GHz) and 36Gb RAM (Computational Chemistry Software: Gaussian 09 and GaussView 5)
- Microway Computer Cluster, shared with the Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Computer Science Departments
- Advion Expression Compact Mass Spectrometer with Plate Express (TLC plate reader)
- Advion HPLC Binary Gradient Pumping System with autosampler
- Biotage Isolera One Flash Purification System
- Bio Rad CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System
- Molecular Devises SpectraMax M3 Multi-Mode Microplate/Cuvette Reader
- Thermo Scientific Spectronic 200 Spectrophotometer