The department is housed in the John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts. We use two performance/rehearsal spaces, two shops, and six dressing rooms.

Lyman Mainstage
The mainstage is a 1,568-seat auditorium with a semi-circular thrust stage. Lighting, sound, and spot booths are located at the back of the house. The stage has a large trap room below it, and the downstage section can double as an orchestra pit. The stage has a full set of black velour masking, a grand drape, and a cyclorama.
There is a fixed lighting grid over the thrust, and additional lighting and rigging postions behind the proscenium. The sound system includes wireless microphones, a 36-channel console, and multiple playback sources. There is a lighting inventory of several hundred fixtures, 384 dimmers, an ETC Emphasis console, and two Juliat follow spots. Production budgets provide for rental of additional sound and lighting equipment if needed.
The department produces two shows on the mainstage each year. The balance of the time is used by other campus groups and performances by outside acts.

Robert E. Kendall Drama Lab
The Drama Lab is a 50-foot square "black box" space with flexible seating for approximately 125 people. Technical control booths overlook the space and provide access to the fixed grid overhead. Stage traps provide access to the dressing rooms in the basement. Most acting, directing, and dance classes are taught in the Drama Lab. The department produces two shows each year in the space.
Scenic Design Laboratory
The Scenic Design Lab is used for all set construction and painting prior to a show loading into the mainstage or drama lab. A variety of technical production classes also meet in this Design Lab. The Lab has direct access to the mainstage and its own loading dock for materials deliveries. An inventory of hand tools, power tools, and pneumatic tools are available. A paint area includes paint storage and cleanup facilities.
Costume Shop
The Costume Shop is fully equipped with eight industrial sewing machines, baby lock, merrow machine, a dozen or so various-sized mannequins, and two sussman irons. Included is a large fabric supply and costume storage facility, along with two washers and two dryers for maintenance purposes. A modicum of craft supplies, fitting area, two large cutting tables, and windows in the main shop itself make this a useful and pleasant resource. This shop is used as a classroom and is utilized to manufacture and alter costumes and wardrobe needs for our university productions, as well as outside productions like Yale Opera and the Elm Shakespeare Company.
Dressing Rooms
Four two-person and two chorus dressing rooms are in the basement. All are equipped with mirrors, lights, and tables. These rooms serve the mainstage and drama lab, and are also used by the stage makeup classes.