The SCSU True Blue Owls pride themselves on improving the future of Southern while changing the culture of giving among the student body.
As a True Blue Owl, students make more than just a transaction to the campus— they decide how their gift will improve the university and its students. Whether you choose to donate directly to your major student scholarships, your favorite sports team, school, or the Southern Fund -- you are single-handedly helping Southern continue on as a university committed to excellence and student success.
Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Students
With a gift of the following by May 1, 2025, Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Students will receive:
$20 - Honor Owl
- Access to student donor virtual and in-person events throughout the year
- Invitation to professional development events hosted by Southern’s Alumni Association
$50 - Supporting Owl
- Honor Owl incentives
- Limited Edition True Blue Owls Promotional Item*
$100 - Visionary Owl
- Honor Owl and Supporting Owl incentives
- True Blue Owls Pint Glass*
* The item is available for pick up by contacting annualgiving@southernct.edu.
Students who participate in the Student Campaign will become part of a legacy. Your gift will ensure that future generations of students continue to have access to the abundant opportunities that make Southern such a wonderful community.
We have a special for our seniors! Those who give a minimum donation of $25 to the Southern fund of your choice, will receive the following:
- A philanthropy cord to wear across the stage at commencement,
- An invitation (for self and up to two guests) to the Senior Donor Ceremony in May 2025 where cords will be distributed
Just like the Owls that came before you, make a gift that makes a difference!